Acu-Vac Coil &
New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil
The Acu-Vac Coil is a unique device that draws or pulls negativity, pain, or density, also referred to as unbeneficial energy, from a specific area of the body and that energy flows through the coil and transforms to positive or beneficial energy when is moves out the other end. The end of the Acu-Vac Coil with the extended wire is the beneficial end which produces light energy.
The end without the extended wire is the end you want to point at the area of pain or discomfort. This end draws density, or un-beneficial energy out through the coil.
Use a slow clockwise circular motion directly at and around the desired area using your intuition or the suggestion of your person in need, then move away slowly continuing to move the coil in a circular motion. The further you move away, supposedly the stronger the effect is. After you feel there’s no more energy being drawn out, turn the coil around with the extended wire towards the area and continue moving the coil in a clockwise direction, filling the area with beneficial light and healing energy.
Below are a few suggested uses for the Acu-Vac Coil. It is also recommended that you employ your intuitive senses and creativity. Set intentions for the best results and Highest Good!
In balancing your chakras, use the coil perpendicular to them
You can tuck the coil under your armpit, with the extended wire pointing down, to pull out the discomfort from your shoulder or direct from the top and back to assist with other shoulder ailments.
Use the coil on broken bones by going over the area of the break with the beneficial end of the coil pointing away from the body
When eating in a restaurant, scan your food with the coil to pull out or improve anything that might not be good for you
If you want to strengthen your immune system. point the coil with the extended wire toward your thymus gland
You can use the coil on acupressure points: to charge, point the beneficial end toward the point, and to discharge, point it away
Use the coil on injured or sick livestock to speed up the healing process
Its also been proven beneficial for persistent ear aches.
New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil
The purpose of the New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil is created using the Lost Cubit sacred geometry to support healers in their work with clients and anyone desiring to get to the root of a challenge. Sometimes the source of issues may be in another dimension or time, and this tool is of phenomenal benefit in this regard.
All NDACs do the work of the standard Acu-Vac coil however, they have more applications, and these are described below. They seem to extend into different dimensions as well as past life issues and/or inherited issues going straight to the source to correct the imbalance.
With Wire Outside
Some research information on this coil configuration shows this is a very powerful tool, great for going far beneath the surface. It may be especially good for frightened or traumatized individuals and/or animals.
Dealing in the animal realm is very similar to our human experience. For example, let’s say you have a dog. Your dog feels it is their job to take pain and suffering from you. It’s very difficult for an animal, a pet especially, once they’ve taken pain into their body, to release it. If you hold the coil with the protrusion pointed out under their rib cage, it will clear out anything they have accumulated from you. When the natural cycle of life has been disrupted, the coil will help to shift the imbalance and restore it.
Acu-Vac Coil
New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil, Double Wire