Testimonials for Tensor Products
- Video Testimonials -
Tensor Ring helps Relieve Toothache, Headache & Neck Pain
Feedback Loop used for Ankle Pain
Years of back pain gone in 5 minutes using large Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring
Woman was astonished when she realized her long time hip pain was gone after 5 minutes in Super G
“I just completed knee surgery and have constant pain. I could feel the difference right away after putting the 1 cubit ring on my knee”. ~Robert
The following is from a lady who had been to numerous doctors for her chronic neck pain that the doctors couldn’t figure out, not even MRI showed the source of the pain. She recently visited a reader who told her that she had died from a neck injury in a past life.
“For several months, I’ve had neck discomfort. I had spoken to doctors about it, and none could pinpoint a reason. My intuition told me that it was more energetic - probably related to emotions and past life experiences - that were manifesting in pain and tightness.
In a chance visit with Marlin, he showed me the New Dimension Feedback Loop, which assists with healing from past life trauma. I held it to my neck for a few minutes. I immediately felt as if something was happening. Since then, I have not had any neck pain.”
“Sitting inside the galaxy (Super G), I immediately felt the energy of protection surrounding me. I could feel the energy working on all etheric levels, then onto my cells and then DNA. By the end of 20 minutes sitting in the sphere, I felt my whole body align. Before this experience, I felt sluggish but immediately after, I felt gitty and my life force was energized.”
“It was truly one of the most incredible experiences! I first sat in the big Sphere (Super G) you had set up at the Expo and closed my eyes and meditated for a moment, I heard the sound bowls grow really loud and the noise from people talking quite down. I felt very connected and tuned in to the unified field. When you moved the ring around me the first time, I subtly felt it when you stopped around my knees. Spirit fest had me exhausted & I had to work afterwards so I left early to rest in the park for a few hours before work. (Reflecting on this, I think that time in nature really helped me ground down a lot of what you cleared out of my field with the rings). I went to work wearing the ring you gave me. I work at a restaurant & it was football Saturday so we were very busy, a lot of crazy energy. Where usually I might have gotten stressed out, for the first time I could feel my own field and when I was picking up on other peoples’ energy and what didn’t belong in my field. Obviously, I can always feel these things but usually I accept it as my own. I feel like the rings not only cleared my field, but also strengthened it. By the end of work my knees and calf’s hurt so bad, like everything had been drained down to there. When I went back Sunday and you used the Body Rings again, I could feel it a lot more intensely. (Or maybe I could just feel more because my field was so clear). I could feel small things leaving my body because I got chills or something twitched etc. I felt lively and vibrant the rest of the day, like I was radiating instead of taking in everyone else’s energy.
It truly was a magical experience for me! One I will remember forever! Thank you again so much!! Kaelyn
“Massage Therapist Testimony:
“As a massage therapist for over 20 years, I had gotten used to fingers and thumbs aching, now when I wear the Finger Rings in the evening and overnight, I have very little ache to no ache at all!!”
During sessions with client’s I have been laying full Body Rings on the front of clients body and on two occasions, the clients naturally want to hold or place their hands on the Rings and they tell me that they become very warm, almost hot and we all know they are room temperature and chilly to touch! They say as they take a full breath, “I now feel more peaceful and calm! Thank You!!”
This testimony is from a couple who were already using a Hydrogenation System:
“I have been using the wonderful Water Structuring ring you gave me for charging my water and it really feels GREAT! It hydrates so much better than before, and I feel lighter and freer while drinking the structured water. Thank you so much for that!
And only today did we coordinate for Daniel to test me in my bathroom for weakness or toxicity from the big electrical box (and probably more leakage from the smart meter). Indeed, I tested weak at the shower which is just above the big electrical box, but it was pretty toxic over by the side of the smart meter and also the Tesla batteries too. The further from the bathroom we tested, the stronger I got until we reached my bed where I tested strong and just fine. So, Daniel went and taped the big luminous (Smart Meter) ring you recommended over the big electrical box. A little later, we both went upstairs and tested again and I was super strong everywhere! So yay! It works!!!
G.M. from Gainesville, FL
“I have been using the New Dimension Feedback Loop and very happy with it. Now our Dog ‘Auggie’ just loves having it used on him and can be rather impatient waiting for his turn. Thought you would get chuckle out of that. I was instructed to put the other rings you recommended on the TV's, monitors and microwave and I am sleeping so much better! Thank You!!” C.G.
“We moved into a new home with our feline family of three, one of which was a feral cat who adopted us but still prefers to be outside. The first night here, we saw another feral cat come into our yard and attack our outside kitty. Even though we chased it away, the second night our kitty was attacked again and we thought he was gone as we noticed a puddle of blood on the porch. Eventually, he came out of hiding with even more severe scratches in his thighs and was walking like he was nearly dead. We brought him in and turned our front screened in porch into his recovery room. After his first vet visit ever where he received antibiotics and pain meds, I placed a large Sacred Cubit ring under his bed and used the Feedback Loop in a figure eight pattern on his thighs which he loved as he would position himself so I could do both thighs at once and purred very loudly! I also ran the Loop up and down his back and over his head knowing it would help him recover from the trauma of being attacked. Within a couple of weeks he was completely healed up although a bit cautious about going outside. We now have a kitty door in a screen door to a small building where all my kitties can go to hide from danger. So very grateful for these Amazing healing tools!! C.P. of Florida
“Received the Tensor Rings and I love them all!! I sat inside the Galactic Body Ring today and it was so awesome. I noticed my clairaudience was so clear and magnified. Thank you so much!!!” C.C.
Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia. I am a Gong practitioner Working with Sound out of my studio in Decatur. My good friends David and Robin showed me your feedback loop last Friday at dinner and I loved it. So of course, I went home and ordered as much as I could afford. 😊
I wanted to thank you for how quickly my order of two feedback loops, and one halo arrived. My intention was to use them for the full moon Gong Bath meditation at my studio.
I cannot begin to tell you what an extraordinary experience it was coupling your products with Sound. Everyone had a beautifully intense time in a good way. One woman reported that it was the first time in many many years that she has been pain-free in her body. Between the sound and your tool, she could literally feel the pain leaving in certain places. 👏🏼
Lots of energy clearing and lots of change. People left feeling amazing. I gave out the two cards that you included with my order.
I will be Using The tools again with every Gong bath that I do at my studio - twice a month for the full and new moon. If I had had more of the products in the studio, I know that every single client would have walked away with one of the loops and/or the crown.
How can we work together to put your tools in the hands of more people who could benefit from them? 😊
Of course, Now that I know how successful it is to pair Sound with one of your tools, I will be ordering more. 🥳
I’m so excited to see where this pairing of sound and your tools takes us. Thank you so much for everything that you do.
Feedback Loop Helps Groin & Hip Pain
Feedback Loop used the Relieve Back & Shoulder Pain
Feedback Loop helps Woman Walk without a Cane
Feedback Loop revives older dog to the surprise of it’s owner
- Written Testimonials -
“Thank you so much! It's been 1 month since I got all my Tensor Rings and Genesa Bracelet. I've been wearing the small Genesa Bracelet on my left arm where I have had 2 sizable ganglion cysts for the last 10 years. This morning, I noticed they are about 70% smaller and I know the bracelet is making all the difference. That's why I'm ordering one for my right arm to keep it healthy too!"
“I have been using a variety of tools offered by Marlin throughout the years. When I had bursitis in my shoulder, I taped one of the rings (finger size) onto my shoulder. Without this ring, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep due to the pain. If I forgot to use the ring, I would wake up in pain and immediately tape on the ring so I could get back to sleep.
I have also used the New Dimension Feedback Loop when I had migraines by placing it on the pillow. There has been a significant difference in the pain level and duration of the migraine. It won't make the migraine disappear, but it will make it bearable. I’ve also used the rings in my refrigerator to help my vegetables and fruit stay fresh longer. Recently I bought the life-sized ‘Super G’ Galactic Generator. I have been using this for meditation and realigning my energy. I have friends that come over to my house just to sit in the generator and feel relief of anxiety and pain. I’m grateful for the healing tools that Marlin has created!”
~ A. Smith
“I wanted to let you know I recently ordered the 333mhz tensor rings to play with structuring water after reading the ‘Dancing with Water’ book. I put them around the kitchen and bath faucets for starters. A little later that day I was amazed to notice the subtle moldy metallic smell and taste I was constantly experiencing over several hot summer weeks had disappeared! Not sure what that means but I am thrilled! I ordered a few more rings to experiment with and noticed a much better taste. I found it very helpful that you noted sizes best for water and smart meters on your website because many do not and it gets confusing.
Thank you!!”
GuruDhan Khalsa, CO
“I absolutely love everything I have ordered from you guys! It is life changing for me! Reduced tinnitus, better sleep, better water, pain in back reduced, and more energy! I am so glad I was introduced to you! Oh, and by the way, your customer service is impeccable!!”
KT from Idaho
“I recently purchased a 333mhz tensor ring from you for structuring water and I love the differences I've noticed in the taste as well as a certain "oil-like" smoothness in how it feels in my mouth and when swallowing. P.F.
Medical Healing Practitioner Testimony:
“I have two ‘Super G’s’, (Galactic Genesa Generators) with the 5th Element Ring on top, one in my home and one in my Healing Center. (The 5th Element is a large tensor ring placed on top of the Sphere which amplifies the energy of the ‘Super G’). We had severe tornados here in Tallahassee, FL on May 20, 2024 which created devastation all around our business and home; electrical poles, internet connections and trees sustained damaged all around both properties. However, both our properties were as if nothing happened!
My son also has a ‘Super G’ with a 5th Element Ring on top and again all around his home was devastation but his home was untouched. Our family really feels like we were protected by these ‘Super G’ Tensor rings knowing they neutralize severe weather patterns. Other people even noticed and commented how our properties were untouched! I also have had patients sit in our sphere at the clinic and healing has occurred too! The Tensor Rings are wonderful energy tools, and the prices are so reasonable for all the healing and protection you get from them!!”
Angela Myers, APRN , The Medical Healing Center, Tallahassee, FL
“I love the big STU rings (Harmony & Balance) and started sleeping with one under my mattress with some amazing changes so far. I hope to report on them continuing!
I'd like to put one under my husband's side of the bed too, and just leave them there, so I need more!
Now the STU one still tests very good for me, but the "New Dimension Lost" ring does also.
P.S. M. M. has the Galactic and the New Dimension Lost Cubit rings and brought them over for me to try. Immediately upon stepping into the Galactic one, I felt a big hug of my whole body! Stepping into the ND Lost ring, my hips started cracking, around five times total, adjusting themselves to a more stable position. Then stepping into the STU (Harmony & Balance) ring, I felt the "incredible lightness of being" anti-gravity effect along with the creamy structured water effect. It amazed me how they each had their own distinctive feeling! Thank you!!”
K. E.
A young woman who had previously purchased an Empowerment Neck Ring at a holistic expo came to our booth at a follow-up expo and was excited to share this experience:
She had a friend with persistent Phlebitis who was experiencing a lot of pain, redness and swelling from the inflammation. Our friend intuitively took off her neck ring and began to wave it in a figure eight pattern in front of the woman’s legs and within minutes the swelling and redness began to dissipate along with the pain which was reduced to almost nothing within just a couple minutes. How very excited they both were to find such a versatile and powerful energy tool!!
At the last ‘Body Mind Spirit Expo’ we vended at in Raleigh, NC, an elderly couple who had previously purchased a New Dimension Halo/Crown six months prior shared this Amazing experience:
The lovely woman’s husband told us that his wife had what they thought was a heart attack but after going to the emergency room, found that it was instead an AFIB attack so they shocked her heart back into rhythm which she did not care for at all!!
A month or so later, she felt her heart fluttering indicating another attack coming on but she definitely did not want to have to go through that same experience again!! Knowing that the ND Halo Tensor Ring helps with pain relief and healing, her husband recommended she try holding the Halo over her heart which she did and sure enough, the AFIB attack went away completely and hasn’t reoccurred since! How very excited they were to have a natural alternative to the shock treatment using this versatile and powerful energy tool!! And how incredibly elated we were to learn yet another benefit of using these powerful tools as a natural alternative! 😊
The Harmony and Balance Neck Ring, and Harmony Gaia Sphere have helped humans, dogs and equine on the ranch.
I was extremely concerned about the horses when I was divinely connected to Marlin and Carol.
The negative energy in the air, smoke from Canada, 5G and Chem trails were negatively affecting the horses!
My prayer was answered when we connected. When the 3' Harmony Gaia Sphere went up over driveway, the horses and humans calmed down. My horses gained weight, their coughing stopped and their eyes became bright once again.
Our pastures and garden have thrived in a 2-month drought and I've noticed more wild flowers on our riding trails. Neighbors have also mentioned how much nicer their gardens and lawn are. This year I had the best crop of raspberries I’ve ever had!
I watch Chem trails disappear over-head. I put Harmony & Balance Neck Rings between all our mattresses and box springs we all sleep so much better.
I have the Smart Meter Ring which has helped enormously with home EMFs.
I wear to finger rings which help me when using cell phone and driving. My hands no longer hurt from the shocks from my cell phone or passing 5G towers.
My whole family wears Power Pendant necklaces which brings peace to us all and my heart no longer hurts when I'm around cell phones or 5G.
Huge thank you Carol and Marlin
You both are fantastic and have helped us all so much!
Love you both💖
Lisa from WI
Feedback Loop Helps Relieve Hip Pain