Harmony Gaia Sphere
Below is a description of the qualities and uses of the Large Body Ring made from the Harmony and Balance frequency, of which the Gaia Sphere consists of four of these rings intertwined so it can be opened into a sphere generating energy in all directions. There’s also a 5th Element Ring of the same frequency that goes on top of the sphere to amplify the energy to expand the beneficial range of EMF neutralization, approximately 20 – 30 miles. It has a “healing” effect on the environment and helps bring harmony and balance within its field as well as, transforming harmful EMF energy/compression waves into a benevolent energy. A copper hook for hanging is also included, minor assembly required. Enjoy! 😊
Aka: Standard Teotihuacan Unit (STU)
The Ring cleanses distortion fields from around the body very quickly. Lower vibrations very gently transform into Higher vibrations.
The Ring creates a stronger connection to your entire Entourage - all of those who walk with You in the Highest and Best for You - allowing you to become more fully aware of your Entourage.
The ring is vibrating to three vibrations; past, present and future, helping to integrate them into a higher frequency.
Elementals of Earth come through the Ring to bring in Remembering Codes, yet unlike Codes from the Sun.
The Ring has grounding properties bringing you in touch with Earth, as a Human on Earth, facilitating the balance of Mind, Body, & Spirit.
Codes coming through our Sun, shine through the Tensor Ring from places such as the Central Sun, moving the Earth into a whole new frequency.
If you’re not ready to accept these Codes, they won’t come through. If you are ready, they will enter the Pineal and travel through to the Heart. There are matching Codes within the Heart that match those coming through the Ring. When you are in Harmony and Balance, and the time is right, these Codes Activate. They Activate what are strictly your Gifts.
As connections are made and You enter into Balance and Harmony in the Heart, and your Mind is settled, you create heart mind coherence which enables you to hear, know and see more than you ever have in the past. Simply focus with the intent of doing so, along with the knowingness that you can and it shall BE!
Testimonials for the Harmony Gaia Sphere and other Tensor Tools
The Harmony & Balance Neck Ring and Harmony Gaia Sphere have significantly helped us humans, dogs, equines including the land and vegetation on the 33-acre ranch! Along with many other Tensor Tools that truly work at neutralizing detrimental EMFs.
I was extremely concerned about my 12 horses on the ranch when I was divinely directed to connect with Marlin and Carol due to the negative energy in the air, smoke from wildfires in Canada, 5G energies and the Chem trails were negatively affecting the horses and all of us humans.
My prayer was answered when we connected. I first ordered the large Harmony & Balance Body Ring, placed it in a window and noticed all the horses taking turns standing in the tensor field outside, it obviously felt good to them. I asked Marlin if it was possible to create a Sphere with the same energies that would go out 360 degrees and sure enough, Marlin had it ready and shipped it to me right away! The 3' Harmony and Balance Sphere was hung over driveway and we could feel a noticeable difference, the horses and humans calmed down. The horses also gained weight, their coughing stopped and their eyes became bright once again.
Our pastures and garden have thrived in a drought and I've noticed more wild flowers on our riding trails. Our neighbors have also mentioned how much nicer their gardens and lawn are.
Another thing I’ve noticed is Chem trails disappearing from overhead of the ranch since hanging the sphere. I enjoy using the Harmony & Balance Neck Ring which helps with anxiety and I place one between our mattress and box springs which helps us all sleep so much better.
I also use the Smart Meter ring which has enormously reduced the negative EMF energies within the home. I wear two Finger rings which help me when using cell phone and driving. My hands no longer hurt from the shocks from the cell phone or passing 5G towers.
My whole family wears Power Pendants which brings peace to us all and my heart no longer hurts when I'm around cell phones or 5G.
I had the best crop of raspberries I’ve ever had since hanging the Harmony Gaia Sphere and an apple tree I thought was dead has sprung back to life rendering a bountiful harvest along with many other plants that were on the verge of dying.
This comes with a Huge thank you to Carol and Marlin!!
You both are fantastic and have helped us all so much!
Love you both💖
Lisa K. from Wisconsin