Lost Ring

The Lost Cubit has a frequency of 177MHz, which corresponds to the frequency of DNA, thereby facilitating DNA repair and the capability of consciously controlled DNA activation and ascension. It’s becoming more and more accepted by scientists that DNA acts as an antenna for light energy and therefore the harmonic frequencies of light and the Lost Cubit, in particular, are vital aspects of the equation.

Early professional reports point to effects consciously and willfully created when an intention is fueled by a strong emotional content felt within the researcher’s physical body. As of late, what some healers are noticing is that the tensor field of the Lost Cubit functions much like a lens of a window, which allows them to view information that is stored in the Akashic records. When a Lost Cubit Ring is held over a client or chakra or problematic area, deeper knowledge appears to be transferred or picked up by the field inside the ring. It deals more with the atmosphere or aura of a person, there being an analogy, and it deals more with the mental and emotional issues we human beings experience. We find, often times, a release from long standing emotional or mental problems when using the Lost Cubit.

One of the interesting things we found for the healers is that the Sacred Cubit…seems to deal with physical problems very readily, whereas the Lost Cubit seems to deal more with mental and emotional problems or distortions in the aura. What we call problems are actually electrical or energetic distortions within the human aura. And so by comparing these, you can see that the smaller ring size, (Sacred Cubit) can be equated to physical matter and the larger ring size (Lost Cubit) can be equated to the aetheric, or the atmosphere of the human, or of any plant, or of any animal.

This information is copied from the book In The Mind Of A Master, by Susan Anderson with Slim Spurling.

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