New Dimension Halo / Crown

Attributes of the New Dimension Ring

The rings seem to have a strong grounding of the body, while allowing the energy to flow where it is needed. The energy field of these rings seems to extend past the tensor field into the peripheral or outer edge of the rings shown vibrantly in the rings’ aura. Some reports claim the New Dimension Ring seems to create a strong energy sense of the 8th Chakra (the one immediately above the crown). The energy seems to start there and work its way down. You may feel a wave of emotions as it appears to cause a cleansing and/or adjustment to occur in the auric field.

The New Dimension Ring appears to “plug into” the emotional and mental areas, and enhances positive qualities.

**Note: The Halo/Crown is best bent into an oval shape to better fit the head. The Best Results occur when the majority of the ring touches the head or any area of the body needing pain relief and/or healing.

Application of the New Dimension Ring

The Smaller Halo/Crown version is the Empowerment Cubit which resonates with and decalcifies the Pineal and helps release Past Programming and Beliefs.

  • Mainly works on the inner and invisible aspects of fire.

  • Essential for healing therapies

  • Helps in connecting with the invisible, spiritual guides, guardians, angels, earth elements.

  • Female energy

  • Fire element

  • Works on the third, fifth and sixth chakras.

  • Helps you to stand your power

  • Perfect for people who use their voice a lot, such as singers, teachers, and public speakers

  • Helps with the descaling of the pineal gland

  • It does work perfectly with the Lost and Sacred Cubit

The Larger Halo/Crown is the Lost Cubit and will open up you up to the bigger picture ~ what is happening globally, as well as what is far reaching in the Universe. Great for someone who wants to strengthen their psychic abilities, this ring allows you to see through to different dimensions.

My intentions for creating this ring was to take you out of what you see as current time and space, and to open you up to the reality and totality of what true time and space is; to be able to go beyond the logical mind, basically, or the third dimensional properties. 

We also have a ND Lost Cubit Large Body Ring that you can either sit in or pull it down over yourself and as you bring it down over you, you feel as though you are someplace else!

You can also share the Large Body Ring with someone who is a visionary interested in activating more of their brain. If it is not large enough for them to sit inside, they could hold the ring horizontally over their head, the Halo/Crown can also be used in this way until they feel a tingling on their forehead and the back of their head. Then hold the ring openhanded and horizontally moving over different chakras for balancing.

Some seers will be able to hold up the NDR and use it for scrying where they may begin to see a vision. What I was being shown when the idea came to me to double twist the wire was that it was a sequence of simultaneous levels of reality, or what most call time and space. Instead of thinking from this brain, I would be able to use the totality of my being by undoing the density of that energy and decelerating it. I would be able to receive information from all levels of my consciousness. I was trying to create that experience and was not sure how to formulate it while also hold the physical form. Let’s just say the applications of this are purely for psychic interpretation, research, and acceleration of abilities.

If you wear the NDR on your body, it will give you access to an incredible amount or information. It will help you with discernment and sensing out someone or something. You have to tilt it a little to achieve a 45-degree angle before you are going to be able to connect with the third eye. It works by taking internal and external thoughts and projecting them onto an ethereal screen. It increases the plasma within the human field and therefore, the ability to see through dimensions.

*The above information was quoted and/or paraphrased from the book ‘In the Mind of a Master’ by Susan Anderson with Slim Spurling.